Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tick, tick, tick

Have you ever planned a vacation or a short weekend getaway and the last day of work before you leave is excruciating? I'm feeling that way right now. We're off to Alta tonight and I've been at my desk planning the weekend all morning. Did I pack my swim suit? Does the car have enough gas? Did we buy enough hot dog buns? Who will pick up ice on the way home for the cooler? At approximately what time can I relax and open a cold beer? Did I pack the bug spray? Will it be sunny all weekend? Ugh, can the work day just be over now? I want to go, go, go.


amber8184 said...

weeeeeeeee camping! have fun! :D

Stacie said...

Have SO much fun Lit! Do us all a favor and don't fall into the tent ;) How freaking funny was that night???