Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just Wondering What You Think

I read this article just a minute ago. My instant reaction was to say, uh huh, yeah, sure, riiiight. I'm sure you're free of your gay impulses. Congratulations. Side note: I read a suggestion somewhere that there should be a special font for sarcasm. I completely agree. Anyway, I do not personally think that Ted Haggard is cured of his gay urges. Whether or not he chooses to use his theraputic experience in order to avoid acting on said urges is a different matter entirely. I'm not here to judge. That's not what this post is about.
What this article got me thinking is what exactly did you mean when you said your vows at the altar? For Mrs. Haggard her vows meant that she would stick by her husband despite a meth addiction and tryst with a male prostitute. Is that what we all vowed? Does, "till death do us part" include homosexual promiscuity, drug use, infidelity or dishonesty? Do you think each person's "I do" is a different set of "I won'ts?" Where would you draw the line? Do you think the same is true of your spouse? Did you ever talk to your spouse about this before you married him or her? I'm curious what you guys think of this. Discuss.


amber8184 said...

I want to comment, but I need some time to process my answer. Will advise.

Aimee said...

I think you aren't required to stick to your vows when the other is not meeting theirs aka having sex with men, touching children, sticking their stuff in other women etc.

"Reconversion therapy" (the formal name for the "therapy" the pastor must of gotten) feels very unethical to me. I completely disagree with it. He must have some major repression.