Monday, April 07, 2008

oh the shame

I've been hesitant to post anything because I don't want to have to tell you about my weekend.
I did a very bad thing. It was so innocent though, it crept up on me. I didn't even notice it sneaking up, getting cozy, brushing back my hair, whispering in my ear, "Lit, you know you want to, come on, don't deny it". So before I could rationalize, think, resist - before I could do anything it was upon me. Cheese. There, now you know. I'm so ashamed. I totally went on a cheese bender this weekend.

It started on Friday at my co-worker's 40th birthday/conference room pizza party. My job was to bring the drinks. I had a brilliant plan to buy some 2 liters of pop in the morning before work. At the same time I would pick up something dairy-free for lunch. After singing Happy Birthday I would leave to "run an errand" but really go back to my desk and be good and eat my dairy free lunch and maybe blog about how my co-worker is really 42 but I'm just playing along. Things went horribly wrong at the grocery store. The 2 liters were beyond my reach on the top shelf.  It was 10 to 7 in the morning so there really wasn't anybody in the aisle to help me. I considered just buying 12 packs of cans but I wouldn't be able to carry them. So I went out to the bakery section and asked this guy if he would help me. It really wasn't a big deal, he was totally nice and came and got me 2 liters of Coke, 2 liters of Diet Coke, 2 liters of Dr. Pepper and 2 liters of Sprite. I put them in my canvas tote (because I heart Mother Nature and don't insult her by using plastic bags) and paid for my bevy of sodas and went to work. In the commotion of practically being a little person and getting sidetracked by my freakishly short legs I totally forgot to buy a healthy lunch.

Obviously my genius plan to avoid the pizza failed. I was so hungry at noon that I sang Happy Birthday and then proceeded to gorge myself on 2 slices of pizza and 1 slice of cake. I'm only human. So the dairy-free plan was ruined and the rest of my weekend consisted of consuming mass amounts of cheesy goodness. I even ordered mozzarella sticks at Lucky 7 on Saturday night. You know what, they were delicious, and I don't regret eating them. 

I have yet to re-kick the dairy habit and get on the wagon, so to speak. I just ate a Girl Scout cookie, and it was damn good. Thin Mint, in case you're wondering. I've decided that a life without dairy is not worth living. How can you possibly avoid cheese? It's nonsense. I don't know what I was thinking. Moderation, that's the key.  Not so much mozzarella sticks though. That was probably overdoing it.

1 comment:

Josh and Betsy said...

I didn't realize you had ordered mozzerella's okay, but this means I can sign us up for the tillamook tour....i will eat all the ice cream and you can eat the cheese....