Thursday, April 24, 2008

Stass McGrass

Stacie told me the other day she reads my blog daily and thoroughly enjoys it. I was really happy to hear that. I didn't really expect people to tune in very often, let alone daily. Suffice to say Stacie is my biggest fan. As a thank you to my loyal friend I'm going to tell you a few things I love about her. If you leave comments and read my blog a lot maybe I'll post something nice about you too.
1. Stacie's nickname is Stass. Some people call her Stace but I reject this. Everybody named Stacie is called Stace at some point in their lives, right? How many Stacie's do you know that go by Stass? That's right, one. And this is one of the reasons I love her, a kick ass nickname.
2. When Stass was a kid she had a pet squirrel that scratched her back while she fed him peanuts over her shoulder. The best part, the squirrel's name was Snidely Whiplash. I don't even need to elaborate here.
3. Somebody with a pet squirrel named Snidely Whiplash could only be the offspring of a race car driver and a sky diver. Coolness abounds.
4. Stacie is the only person that would laugh if I ask her "what handouts?". See? If you're not Stacie, you're not laughing.
5. Our junior year of high school Stacie convinced me to go up to some girl and tell her I was going to kick her ass. This was completely asinine of course because I could not (and cannot) kick anybody's ass seeing as how I am 4'11'' and can't even open a bottle of Gatorade. Regardless, with the confidence of Stacie having my back I walked up to this girl and told her I was going to "regulate" and some other silly things. A few years later Stacie and I ran into this girl at Time Out and had a good laugh.

I know you all have your own crazy ass stories about Stacie. Feel free to comment.


Marge said...

LOL - I also read your fancy little blog daily. Your wittiness and spelling astonishes me! - Margie
PS - you dont have to write about me, i just wanted to tell you I read your blog :)

Lindsay said...

Ha! Funny stuff! I too, read your blog - it's quite enjoyable! :)


Lyndsy said...

Stass McGrass has gotten us all turned on to your fun blog! I enjoy your rants and randomness :)

Anonymous said...

this is awkward i know another stacie that is called stass. Stacie M sent me your blog, presumeably cause there is a dedicated post to her greatness, which of course i can not refute. I think i might write a Stacie Rules post on my blog too!