Monday, May 05, 2008

The "Battle" of Puebla

I’ll tell you the truth about this little “holiday” you’re all celebrating. In 1862 the French came to a small town called Puebla in central Mexico ready to fight. The textbooks will tell you the Mexicans cleaned up, kicked butt, regulated, whooped ass and other such victorious sayings. This was especially significant to the Mexicans because they were the underdogs, far outnumbered by those wily Frenchmen. In reality it was just a battle of the moustaches. Who had the best facial hair? The French with their up-curled, escargot stained wisps or the Mexicans with their straight wiry mops? Obviously you are drinking Corona and Tequila today because the Mexicans’ moustaches reigned supreme. The French took one look at the rag-tag group of Mexicans ready to strike; they sized up the glorious array of menacing mouth brows and ran like hell yelling “sacrebleu” and some other stuff in French.
It’s not common for somebody to tell you what really happened that day. Tecate, Corona and every Mexican restaurant in town are hoping you and your wallet will show up and celebrate the outcome of a viciously fought battle. I’m sorry to disappoint you but I hope you enjoy your tacos tonight knowing the truth. You’re welcome


Stacie said...

Viva la Mexico!
I shall enjoy me some tacos tonight! Ariba Ariba!!!

Lyndsy said...

Ahh! You had me chuckling at my desk and work. I am glad I know the truth. Thank you for removing the blindfold from my eyes.