Thursday, May 01, 2008

This side up

We're moving next weekend. My sister says when you die and go to hell you just move from one place to another. I totally buy it. I think there's probably a time in hell when you're in Hallmark trying to pick a card but you have to pee really really bad. Wait, is that just my nightmare? Oh, never mind.

Anyhoo, I made this sign to tape onto the boxes containing breakables:

What do you think? Effective, no? I think it gets the point across. Plus I won't have to write on the box with a Sharpie. There's something about a fine point Sharpie that just doesn't work on a big cardboard box and I'm not about to go buy a big fat smelly marker just for one move. Do you think I've thought about this too much? I wonder if I can just print my sign onto sticker paper. But wait, what's cheaper, a big marker or a package of sticker paper? Oh no, I've thought myself into a dilemma.


Anonymous said...

I love that movie. That phrase gets quoted often in our house. Good luck on the move. I cant wait to see pics of the new place.

Stacie said...

How very "Christmas Story" of you!