Monday, October 26, 2009

The Amazing Chicken

Do you watch The Amazing Race? If you don't, catch up on what happened last night here. Basically this girl Mika and her bf Canaan were eliminated from the race because she got the scareds and wouldn't go down a big water slide. To her credit, I remember a water slide like that at the Big Splash water park in Tulsa called The Silver Bullet. Granted, I was just a little thing back then, but it looked huge and menacing and I would absolutely not even remotely consider thinking about considering going down it. I discussed this at length with Dan last night and we concluded that we would both go down the slide, skydive and/or bungee jump for a chance at a million dollars. He said he would definitely eat nasty things. I'm still on the fence with that one.

So, here's what I'm thinking about today as my inbox fills up and I avoid work: what fear would cripple me so badly that I would give up a chance at a mil? It's a tough question because you don't really know for sure what you will and won't do until you're actually there. Until the fall of 2002 I didn't think I would ever jump out of an airplane; and I've done it twice now so hooray for me. The thought of bungee jumping scares the bejeezers out of me but I think if I absolutely had to, I would do it.

So what would you just not do? What makes you put your foot down and say, "oh hells no"?

4 comments: said...

I watched The Amazing Race last night and I'm glad Mika struggled at the waterslide. I didn't want to see Flight Time and Big Easy get eliminated since I have that team in a fantasy game.

amber8184 said...

Ugh, I think I would "want" to, but I think my gag reflex would keep me from eating anything nasty.

I would be terrified, but I would like to think I would have the balls to do skydiving, bungee, giant water slide, etc.

So, hmmm other than force feeding myself, an absolute no-way, no-how doesn't come to mind.

Well, actually, I just flashed to fear factor where they had to lay in a coffin filled with a variety of creepy crawlers. That would be my exit cue.

amber8184 said...

PS ~ apparently I should have just written my own blog about this...

Unknown said...

Spiders. Anything to do with spiders is an absolute do not pass go do not collect your money, and run screaming for the exit if there is one. I still have nightmares about an episode of Fear Factor where they had to eat these nasty Iraqi spiders and they were so big that they couldn't do it in one bite, so after the first bite they set it down AND IT RAN AWAY! WITH HALF OF ITS BODY MISSING. Just more proof that spiders are the devil....whew! Glad I got that off of my chest.