Monday, October 12, 2009


I knew it had been a long time since I posted, but I didn't realize that it's almost been two months. Oh my. That's just ridiculous.
I don't write consistently but I do read all your blogs daily. I would like to thank you all for being such dedicated bloggers. My lunch break would not be the same if you weren't so responsible and dedicated to posting beautiful pictures and insightful words. I just realized I'm sitting on the couch with Lola watching Monday Night Football. Dan isn't even here. That's how enthralled I am with your blogs; I don't even notice I'm watching football. Serious.
I also realized today that I've lost a follower. I used to have 7 but now there are only 6 of you. Ex follower, please come back. I'm sorry if I let you down.
We've been pretty busy lately but filling you in on everything at this point is futile.
I'll make an effort to keep this thing updated. For real this time.


Aimee said...

I think the lost "follower" was me - not because I don't follow but because I was in a cleaning mood and deleted all my "following" links. It was impulsive.

Still reading though of course even if it is every couple of months. You crack me up.

Lyndsy said...

I am looking forward to your posts that will make me giggle and chuckle as always :)